Mon - Fri : 08:30 - 5:30 EST 1-860-826-1560

before you ship

Before You Ship

Vehicle Relocation Resources

General Guidelines to ensure the safe and efficient shipment of your vehicle

Your Contact Information

  • Provide Valid , working phone and email where you can be contacted throughout the transportation process.
  • Provide a location contact. We need a good phone number and email address of the person who will be present at the time of pick?up and delivery of your vehicle. This person must be an adult and able to present a valid driver’s license for identification purposes.

Safety First

  • Notify us of any vehicle modifications (e.g. vehicle lowered, vehicle lift kits, camper shells). Your vehicle may not exceed 7′ in height and there must be a minimum of 4 inches of ground clearance for safe loading and unloading of your vehicle.
  • Notify us of any specialty items such as spoilers, low?hanging fog lights, luggage racks or running boards that may affect clearances during loading and unloading. We need to be aware of anything that alters or changes the manufacturer standard specifications or dimensions of your vehicle.
  • Ensure pickup truck shells / bed lines are properly secured so they do not come off during transport.

Minimum Requirements

  • Your vehicle must be operable in order for us to ship your vehicle. The tires, brakes and engine must be in good working order with all safety equipment and appliances intact.
    • Vehicle must have no obvious fluid leaks
    • Driver side door and window must work properly
    • Your vehicle must have working brakes. If your vehicle has a manual transmission, it must also have a working emergency brake.
    • Your battery must be secure in the mounting bracket.
  • Gas level must be between 1/8 to 1/4 tank of gas prior to transport, and not more.
  • Remove all personal and household Items. DO NOT PACK ANY LUGGAGE OR PLAN TO SHIP ANY PERSONAL OR HOUSEHOLD ITEMS IN YOUR CAR! (standard vehicle items such as the jack and spare tire are fine) This is a DMV rule and they will fine you. Additionally, if the pickup Agent sees any personal items in your vehicle, they can refuse to pick it up therefore delaying the delivery.

Protect Against Loss or Damage

  • Lower or remove the antenna.
  • All alarm systems must be disconnected, disabled, or turned off.
  • Fold In any mirrors where applicable.
  • Remove portable all interior components such as hands?free car phones, GPS systems, and stereo face plates.
  • Vehicle must be clean for inspection.
  • Repair or seal Convertible Tops with tears or open seams to prevent weather exposure from causing additional damage.

Preparing Your Vehicle for Transport

  • Check fluid levels to prepare your car for a change in weather when shipping to a warmer or colder climate. It is a good idea to check antifreeze, battery and other fluid levels before transport.
  • Check your battery to ensure it is fully charged and secured in its mounting bracket to avoid delays or unexpected charges for jump starting a dead battery.
  • Check tire pressure to avoid shipment delays or charges due to a flat tire.
  • All exterior spare tire covers grill covers, or car covers must be removed.
  • Plants, hazardous materials and firearms are forbidden by law to be transported.
  • Non-permanent luggage racks, bike racks, or ski racks must be removed.
  • Your vehicle must be prepared for the new climate. This may include engine coolant, transmission oil, and other fluids

When Your Vehicle Is Picked Up

  • You or your designated representative must be present for the inspection at the time of pick-up
  • Provide a complete set of keys (e.g. ignition, trunk and glove box keys) or key fob/entrance code to the truck driver).
  • Ensure the gas level is between 1/8 and 1/4 full and not more.
  • Check For leaks and alert the car transporter if your vehicle has any fluid leaks.
  • Car alarms disabled prior to shipping. If the alarm is activated during transport, it could wear down the battery.
  • Take photos of your vehicle at the time of pickup.
  • Perform and sign the pre?inspection form at the time of pick?up. This should be done with the driver or ABRS agent. Request a copy of the inspection form and retain it for your personal records.

When Your Vehicle Is Delivered

  • You or your designated representative must be present for the inspection at the time of delivery.
  • Take photos of your vehicle at the time Of delivery.
  • Post Shipment Inspection: Perform a careful inspection of your delivered vehicle with the truck driver or your ABRS Agent, including the undercarriage and the interior. Make sure to note any damages on the post?transport inspection form so it can be compared to the pre?transport inspection. Both you and the driver need to sign the inspection document. Retain a copy for your personal records.

If You Need To File A Claim

  • Claims: If you need to file a claim, please do so within 24 hours of receiving your vehicle.
  • Please send all pertinent documentation to This would include information such as the pre and post inspections reports, the Proof of Delivery receipt and photos taken at the time of pick?up and delivery. You can also call us at 1?800?0000 if you have and further questions about your vehicle’s delivery condition or the claims process.