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News & Resources for Vehicle Relocation

Relocating Boats

Boat Transport Checklist. We provided a checklist as a common-sense guide to what the owner will be responsible for in preparing a boat for transport. A marina operator should be able to offer assistance in most, if not all, of the areas. View Boat Transport Checklist »

Safe Passage. For the safety of our drivers and the boats being transported, we ensure fuel, water and holding tanks are empty, battery cables are disconnected, and hazardous materials (paint, paint thinner and others) are not on board.

Special Concerns for Sailboats. There are many different types of equipment on board a sailboat that could cause damage from rubbing or chafing during transport. We require all standing rigging, turnbuckles, mastheads and bow lights, antennas, spreaders, wind indicators, wires and mast winches be removed from the mast (after it is un-stepped and prior to transport).

A Ship-Shape Cabin. Similar to a car’s inspection, we take a close look at the boat’s cabin with the owner (or agent) before shipping. Then we encourage the shipper or his agent to lock and secure the cabin, and to seal the keys in an envelope kept by the shipper or agent. This ensures the cabin will arrive in the same condition as when it left port.

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